The August “Gust” Akerlund Photography Studio is now a nationally significant National Register of Historic Places site, a distinction only 4% of Minnesota’s National Register sites can boast. This change was recently approved in January by the National Register, along with other updates to the Akerlund Studio’s original, 1977 National Register of Historic Places form. The improvements provide current information on the Studio’s ownership and substantial detail on the rich history of Akerlund and the studio building. These revisions are thanks to the efforts of former Cokato Museum Director Mike Worcester and Andrea Pizza of Deco Cultural Services, who have been working on this project together.
Now that national significance has been achieved, the City of Cokato through the Cokato Museum, is looking into whether the Studio eligible to apply for National Landmark status, a step up in prestige from the National Register. While National Register sites are either historically significant on either a local, state, or national level, National Landmarks, on the other hand, are strictly nationally significant sites of high historical caliber. As it stands, there are only 25 Landmark sites in Minnesota, none of which reside in Wright County.
“Whether or not the Studio qualifies for Landmark Status, a process that can take 3-5 years, the historic integrity and importance of this historic treasure remains an important part of our nation’s and community’s photographic history,” commented Johanna Ellison, Director of the Cokato Museum.
To find out more about the Akerlund Studio or to arrange a tour contact the Cokato Museum at 320-286-2427 or check out the website at www.cokatomuseum.org. The museum’s hours are Tuesday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and Saturday 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Source: Cokato Museum